St Patrick - New Evangelization is Next Phase for Parish
In the 1960’s St. Patrick parish began in a gym where Taylor Mill Elementary School allowed parishioners to gather for Mass, until we had an official church. The original parishioners, the founding fathers and mothers of the parish, were graciously assigned from St. Cecilia, St. Anthony and Holy Cross to begin a new parish and yes - a school. From these three parishes, we have come to build a solid foundation and a future. Things have changed since then. Demographics have favored our location and our mission more than ever over the years. The need to evangelize through Catholic school education has become a great opportunity. We also have the opportunity to be a more contributing light and outreach to the many public school parents and families in our area. Holy Cross High School is no longer Holy Cross parish high school, it is a district high school to which St. Patrick will be able to make a significant impact as we grow.
Here is the key! Each family is called to evangelize and expand our parish. Because of our active families, we have made many good changes, especially to reach younger families and make our liturgies more teen and young adult friendly. We have expanded our services to the homebound and elderly at the same time via video and personal contact. The grieving group and parent “Return” group have been well attended, as well as the Women’s Bible Study.
It is also our hope to expand the school up to eighth grade. We are looking to begin an endowment process to help.
The phase we are now in is called the new evangelization. It is not a program. It is a new way of life we are all called to live. This new way of life involves spirited parishioners who look around the neighborhoods for people who are unchurched or fallen away and gently invite them to events we would like to sponsor for them.
We have much work to do to form a new mentality of evangelization here at St. Patrick. But it is exciting!
We can start within our own families.
As always, we need some lay leadership. Let us know if you are interested.
Of course, we will also be hearing more about the synod as well. And stay tuned.
Blessings and Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Jeff
New Evangelization Leadership Volunteer Sign-up
If you are interested in volunteering to help with leadership in the parish’s New Evangelizationyou may sign-up through Flocknote: or contact the Parish Office.